If this was a movie.

Lets Play This Game . Tagged Game :)

Friday, December 16, 2011 7:12 AM

heyy heyy dollyy dollyy
wanyy dtagg dlam stu game . hahah . game ape puns wanyy tataw . heheh
sume nie kejee kaka tehah :D . hahah . terima kasehh kaka <3
jum start ! sediaa blum nie ? hahah

Rules if the games

1 . Post this rules
2 . Write 11 things about yourself
3 . Answer the question that the tagger have set for youu
4 . Create 11 new question for the people youu have tagged to answer
5 . Choose 11 blogger to be tagged and link on the post

11 thing about me

* My name is Wan Nor Syazwani Binti Wan Idris
* Just call me wanyy , nyny , wawa or bebyy
* Born on 30 / 6 /1997 . Still youngg , right ?
* Stay nd born at Penangg
* Agak manja plus gedikk . hahah
* Selalu jadyy gylaa bylaa brsme kwan di skolaa atau dmana-mna shaja :)
* Seorngg ygg kasar nd garangg * cewahh ! garangg snadd lha tuh
* Baru naa amekk PMR thun dpan . poor me :( but im ready !
* Suke mkn nsi gorengg kmpungg nd minum milo ais atau teh ais :)
* Hobi wanyy , bce novel , mkn nd mnulis diari :D
* Taken :) Anak kedua daryypde tygaa bradekk

11 question nd the answer

* bile bufdayy mum nd dad korangg ? #jgn tnye dyeorgg
- Mom 11 / 4 | - dad 14 / 4

* ape mood korangg skrgg ? * dah takde soalan
- Happyy plus sedeyy

* lagu ape korang suka ?
- Take Over - Mizz Nina Ft Florida

* antaraa gulaa-2 dgn ais krim , twitter dgn facebook ? mana korangg suka ?
- Ais krim | Facebook kowdd

* bilaa agakk-2 korangg na tamatken zaman bujang ?
- Maybe dlam likungan 24 thun :D

* Senaraiken lima kwan baekk korangg ?
- Amiraa - Eyraa - Alin - Acha - Fafa

* Kenangan ygg korangg ta bolehh lupaken ?
- Ketikaa brada di Port Dickson , Negeri Sembilan

* Perkaraa ygg plengg mncbar dlam hdupp korangg ygg pernaa korangg buadd ?
- mnari dekadd luar brandaa nd ade orgg nmpaa . hahah

* Ape bende yangg plengg special korangg penaa bg kt psangan korangg ?
- hahah . kiss je . dye ygg bnykk bagyy at kytaa brangg-2 special tuh . hee ~

* Kalau dpadd RM 1 jutaa , korangg na buadd ape dgnn duet tuh ?
- Bagyy dekadd mak nd abahh , sruhh diorngg pegyy ke tnah suci Makkah

* Senaraiken 10 bendaa ygg korangg sukaa dlam dri tehah ?
- Baek | Peramah | Comel | Pndai jage hatyy orgg | Ceriaa | Degil | Cerewet | Kelakar | Garang | Babyyface :)

Soalan untukk korangg :)

# Ape name boyyfiee korangg ? Kenape korangg sygg dye ?

# Antaraa ibuubapaa , nyawaa awakk atau boyyfiee awakk , ygg mne awakk plingg sygg ?

# Korangg nie HOT tak ? * Hormat Orangg Tuaa , okehh ?

# Antaraa gemokk dgn kurus , korangg palengg suke ygg mne ?

# Kalau beradd korangg brtmbahh , ape korangg akn buadd ? *korekk-2 rhsiaa :D

# Korangg klau hanggoudd , first msukk mall tuh . korangg pegyy mne dlu ?

# Korangg rase entryy-2 dlam blogg wanyy nie , bosann ta ? *jujur je lha :D

# Korangg suke laguu ape ? Korangg suke crite ape ?

# Korangg suke taa klau ibuubapaa kyte maraa byle twu kyte couple dgn sseorngg ?

# Klau ibuu atau bapaa sruhh tlongg diorngg kejapp , korangg slalu ckpp ape ? *jujur taw :)

# Senaraiken 5 bendaa ygg korangg suke dlam dri wanyy ?

Tagged Friends :)

# http://aimanraisforever.blogspot.com/

# http://leavinwithyourlove-story.blogspot.com/

# http://ohhprettyhandsome.blogspot.com/

# http://cheritasaiaeirashahiera.blogspot.com/

# http://barbiecomel.blogspot.com/

# http://satuentrysatucerita.blogspot.com/

# http://diaryofussygirl.blogspot.com/

# http://beautylovebaby.blogspot.com/

# http://awwshasha.blogspot.com/

# http://reykanisa.blogspot.com/

# http://syakechix.blogspot.com/

# http://lysaboomodel.blogspot.com/